Author: R. Chris Johnson


before my journey embarks
to consciousness I appeal
five elements in rotation

I balance light and dark
for base instincts to be revealed
constant motion, no hesitation

to maintain life’s spark
my spirit is fulfilled
spiraling towards creation


The author of this piece is unknown though its a very clarifying reference for recovering from trauma.

The best way to gain control over the most powerful, intelligent species on the planet is to completely divide them from the love within themselves.

As soon as they are old enough to begin creating an understanding of who they are, force them into a system that teaches them that it is wrong to be yourself if yourself is different from what is accepted as normal.

Confuse them about their own biological makeup so that they think that permanently altering their body is the answer to happiness.

Require their daily attendance at an institution that makes them focus only on the information that is provided. Make them attend the institution from age 5 until an adult, and repeatedly test them on the information so that it becomes their truth.

Give them an explanation to everything, so that they never have a chance to make their own assumptions of the world.

Scold them and humiliate them if they suggest an opinion that opposes that of their authorities’.

Keep reminding them of how cruel their ancestors were to each other in the past, and broadcast how cruel they are to each other in the present.

Only show them tragedies on the news so that they live in fear and think the worst of one another.

Convince them that their species used to be that of an incognizant wild animal, and make them think their existence is so incredibly random that they lack purpose and struggle to make sense of a creator.

Tell them that they are as smart and kind as they’ve ever been, so that they don’t question the integrity of the system to which they subjected.

Provide them with idols of artificial beauty and use them as examples of what it is to look perfect, so that they are never content with their own appearance and can’t help but to compare themselves amongst one another.

Create addictive digital platforms that rank them by numbers so that their self-worth is derived from the number of followers they have, leaving them never satisfied.

Construct a society around them in which those who have money benefit and those who don’t fail.

Make money their main focus, but make it difficult enough to accumulate such that they remain in a state of constant struggle, forced to dedicate the majority of their time to the system that made it this way.

Tax them in every way possible, but reassure them that it’s for their own benefit, so that they don’t think twice about paying it.

Take so much of their time and energy during the week, but give them two days to themselves so that they feel a sense of reward and don’t fight back.

Promote the consumption of poison in every social setting, so that even on those two days they remain disconnected from themselves and each other.

Pump their food with excess sugars and addictive chemicals, but make it cheap, advertised, and easily accessible so that they never stop consuming.

When their food makes them ill, prescribe them medication that only masks the symptoms so that they become dependent on it every day.

Charge them so much money for healthcare to ensure they remain in a constant cycle of consuming, medicating, and working.

Cause chaos amongst them and blame it on a group of their own so that they form judgemental stereotypes.

Turn them against each other in so many ways so that even if they were to connect on one, they would still be divided by another.

Lashing Out

hidden in light
bearing dulled fangs
hungering for blood, someone to blame

the collections of masks
is starting to wear thin
lingering retribution, from deep within

through searing rage
suppressed pain seeps
severing the bonds, wounded children weep


i had power
i lost power

i had fame
i lost fame

i had wealth
i lost wealth

yet love remained
conversing before death’s domain

warmth dwelling in dark places
gracing my Beloved’s many faces

Luminated Featured in BandCamp Weekly #736

So I’m not gonna lie. My BandCamp profile has been silent for YEARS. All of sudden I get two sales and this peaks my curiosity. Lo and behold, I find a email from BandCamp, in my JUNK MAIL (sigh) saying “Luminated” from my Black Earth album had been featured in a Weekly Radio show.

I have so much gratitude to the people working to make shows like this happen and I’m more than honored to have to my music featured. No doubt all of the selections from this curation are nutritious ear food so have a listen.

BandCamp Weekly Radio Show #736

Black People, Vitamin D, Sleep Quality, and White Supremacy

Adequate Vitamin D levels affect duration and quality of sleep. And Sleep quality has a tremendous impact on health and well being. Many darker skinned people, especially those living in the “developed world” suffer from deficient Vitamin D levels. No doubt, this chronic condition creates a cascade of negative effects leading to diminished health in the melanin rich.

Global centers of wealth favor proximity to cloud strewn cities in the North. White supremacy designs a world that prioritizes a singular relationship to the sun. Generalized fear of too much UV radiation leading to skin cancer, fashion that completely covers the skin, desire of air conditioned indoor working environments, and beauty standards that favor lighter skin combine to create adverse health for the brown and black hued. This extends far beyond the poorly melanated. I know Brown people with relatives who tell them not to go outdoors so they don’t get too dark. I know Black people who still have pictures of a White Jesus or other light skinned holy figure in their places of worship. Colorism woes.

Its real and objective light skin privilege revealed by the amount of Vitamin D in one’s blood. To be able to thrive in an environment that prioritizes sun sensitive individuals is a huge benefit. I mean, its almost like having lighter skin is a kind of disability. I apologize for my ablelism (sarcasm). Humor aside, this a matter of perspective and a reflection of the constant dance of light and shadow. Vitamin D deficiency is even a problem among white people so you know that its especially so for brown and black.

How could society change to ensure darker skinned people receive the needed 300 min of winter sun exposure of produce adequate Vitamin D? Better yet, what do you have to ensure your health? What are the consequences of beauty trends that favor lighter skin and sexist ideologies that frown upon the exposed skin of women? Our relationship to the sun – how close we live to his rays and how much we expose ourselves to her touch – is an essential relationship to the quality of our lives.

So you people of onyx hues, people of red clay, people of hay, sand, and gold … how will you adapt your lifestyle to ensure your survival?

According to my research, I need 30 to 300 minutes of sun exposure everyday due to produce good Vitamin D levels depending on season, weather, and location. I’m type V on the Fitzpatrick scale. Wearing clothing that covers my skin or living in a place far from the equator leads to less vitamin D and worsening health. Spending long amounts of time working in front of a computer indoors has lead to my own vitamin D deficiency. I

I’ve also learned, the vitamin D produced from sun exposure is much more effective than vitamin D in supplements and food. I’ve yet to research light therapy products that produce UVB rays for Vitamin D generation.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause a cascade of health effects. I’ve witnessed insomnia, depression and other mood disorders, obesity, anemia (low blood iron), hypothyroidism, cancers, weakened immune system, fatigue, stroke and other
issues that could simply be caused by not having enough of this hormone. Basically Vitamin D is so crucial that its imbalance can cause a cascade of harmful reactions to the body.

Melanated people need to go outside, exposing as much skin as possible to sun daily to maintain good health.

I feel so rejuvenated after spending time in the sun. There’s a period of intense relaxation followed by a solar euphoria. The dangers and anxiety around skin cancer is for those with lighter skin. The predominant danger for melanated people is not enough sun. Religious, anti–black, and classist (Yes classism is a thing even though its showing up as misspelled by my autocorrect. If you haven’t heard of this do some research) values that link full body clothing to respectability are harmful to fully melanated humans. This is especially true for women of color who’s bodies are heavily sexualized making skin exposure socially unacceptable and dangerous in certain situations. We also see lingering elements of colonization where indigenous peoples are considered savages if they go about with little clothing.

Now I’m not saying to go from one extreme to the other. I have gotten sun burden before (at the top of a sun temple) and Black folk can and do get skin cancer. We don’t need to go out and sunbathe nude everyday. Wait. That… actually… doesn’t sound that bad… at least every once in a while. I think about stories from my Grandmothers where they were told to expose their breasts to the sun to help their nipples recover from suckling infants. Safe places to receive sun medication doesn’t sound that bad at all. It is essential for Black health to adopt a lifestyle that prioritizes a relationship to the sun which considers clothing choices, proximity to the equator, and occupation to address these issues. White supremacy, colonization, internalized racism, and social ostracism are challenges to the path forward.

Personally, I’m working toward changing my lifestyle to address solar dilemma. Grandfather sun longs for my presence and yearns to teach me some needed wisdom. I think about all my years of school being indoors for most of the day. My innervision shows me outdoor schools where Black people welcoming the sunshine as a friend rather than an enemy. Oh yeah, and you Black and Brown folks living up North… y’all better come down to the equator in the winter.

Cleavers is a Spring tonic for the lymph

Over the past winter, I’ve encountered a few people experiencing problems with lymph drainage. One person had a problem with swollen ankles and feet while another had some hard nodules in the lymph in their armpit. Cleavers has been reported as a great medicine for cleaning the lymphatic system.

Many of my human relatives consider cleavers as a weed rather than a reliable food source. If you live in an area where herbicide is regularly sprayed you may never have seen it. My first memory of this plant was the way it clung to me when I touched it.

I have so much gratitude for the abundance and accessibility of cleavers. It grows in so many places and I’ve seen it alongside every walking trail thing spring. This year I will be getting to know this plant more deeply by making teas and cooking with it and noticing the effects on my health.

Circles: grief and rebirth

A manhole cover decorated with Salish, First Nations art

Inside of the big circle
there are so many small circles
connected in chaos

when the circles break
they are quickly replaced
the universe is a kind place

so much fits within each circle
infinite possibilities surround them
go inward and become whole

Custom Code is the Biggest Vulnerability of a WordPress Site

I am in the middle of fixing custom code that caused a fatal error with processing Woo Commerce orders on a client website. It took several days to find enough patterns that allowed diagnosis of the issue. This was followed by examining the error logs and code base to find what was causing the problem and creating a solution to test.

Experience has taught me that the more features (and code) a site has, the greater the chance of a vulnerability. This is doubly true for code written by fellow developers. Greater attention to resources for testing, documentation and QA is essential for keeping a site with custom code stable.

As a consequence, I’ve become frugal with any type of site features that isn’t supported by a third party. Not only does this approach cut down on maintenance, it also makes WordPress websites more stable. Plugins authors spend ample resources on both testing and security, as there are many customers depending on the stability of their software. With custom software, all this must be handled exclusively by the client…

Amaranth Porridge

Amaranth is a very dear and beloved plant that grows throughout Turtle Island. The seeds and leaves of this plant are abundant and nutritious. Here is a guide to making the porridge.

Rinse the amaranth in cold water.

Boil three parts water to one part amaranth in a covered pot. Add salt and a touch of extra virgin olive oil if desired. The amaranth will be finished cooking in twenty to thirty minutes. Once ready, it will thicken significantly and will begin to stick to the bottom of the pot.

Meanwhile, toast some seeds and spices to accompany the amaranth. Some of my favorites are cacao nibs, sesame seed, sunflower seed, flax seed, poppy seed, cashews, walnuts, and pecans.

Be aware of the size of the seeds and nuts you’re toasting as the smaller seeds like sesame finish significantly faster than larger seeds like pumpkin. Toast these bigger items separately or time the addition of ingredients from large to smalle. You can also try toasting these seeds separately in advance. You’ll develop your own solution and preferences with experience.

You can toast spices such as cinnamon, clove, and anise. Prepare these separately from the seeds since spices don’t take very long to toast. Once you smell the aroma of the spices, they are ready. This should take one to two minutes on a medium low heat. Again, you’ll develop your own unique solution and preferences with experience.

Use a spice grinder, mocajete, or mortar and pestle to make a fine meal out of your seeds and spices.

Now combine the ingredients with the amaranth. Add water or a nut milk to get the desired consistency.

Add any finishing flavors such as vanilla, ground ginger, or nutmeg.

Salt to taste.

Give thanks and enjoy.