Black Earth


Witness the never ending tale with no beginning and no end. A spiraling story awaits bound to resonate within. We, the inhabitants of black earth, inter dimensional travelers, who journey through the pathways of space time to become trapped in the plane of the mundane; a place of regression and confusion. a branch world of the traumaverse.

Here, our great intellectual prowess and spiritual connection is feasted upon by parasitic technologic beings exquisitely precise in their an unatural hunger. They keep us in cages of self hatred and trapped behind screens of glass linked by webs of metallic alloys. They block our sense of direction and numbed our senses of awareness leading us to roads of righteousness and then guiding us in the wrong direction.

Or perhaps, they left us to our devices long ago and we continue to emulate the pattern.

Nevertheless, it was here that we lost our greatest skill: how to love and care for each other and recognize our connection to the divine web.

In search of this love and unification with spirit we set out on a quest. Many quests. We are guided by our extra dimensional selves to reinhabitant the black earth with our essence and create a refuge of our dreams. We purged our body of artificial flavors, our minds of self destructive thoughts, and our senses of external salvation. Begin again. Ever unfolding existence.

Along our way we encounter the trickster. Many tricksters. Some dwell within our tribe and some visit from far off lands. They used mounds of pain and cages of lust to simultaneously lead us astray and guide us toward truth. Some of us thought to escape the turmoil by hiding in fields pleasure. Others sought to blind themselves with eyes of gold. We came up with many solutions and had many failures each leading us to many futures. Infinite possibilities.

Our journeys inevitbale lead us in circles around the plane of the mundane. Starving for connection, accepting simulations to survive, our spirits shriveled and dimmed into dormancy. Some of us overheated and burned from inside out, passing a virulent heat around our encampments. Our ancestors reached out to guide us to the right path while leaving the ultimate decision up to us. It took a great time sitting still. We sat still to exlpore our inner world and find the way back to ourselves. Then immediately, in the midst of great chaos, we miraculously found the portal to black earth. The gatekeeper gave us conditions to enter,

  1. You will lose your most coveted possession.
  2. You must pass an examination of spiritual fitness.
  3. If turn back you may never enter again.

We agreed to these terms. And thus begins, our journey into the Black Earth.